수이랑 1월 1주 본문말씀_ 하나님의 계획_예수님의 탄생2
수이랑 12월 4주 본문말씀_ 예수님 생일축하해요_예수님의 탄생1
수이랑 12월 3주 본문말씀_ 해?말아?_놋뱀이야기
수이랑 12월 2주 본문말씀_ 그러면 안돼!(선악과 이야기)
Suirang December 1st Week Text_ Why Jesus?
1월 5주 냠냠성경 (마태복음 6장 9-13절)
The 4th week of october yum yum bible (John 16:24)
The 3rd week of october yum yum bible (Acts 2:38)
The 3rd week of September yum yum Bible (Galatians 4:6)
The 2nd week of September yum yum bible (John 14:18)
1st week of September yum yum bible (Acts 10:44)
The 5th week of August yum yum Bible (Acts 2:4)
The 4th week of August yum yum Bible (John 14:16)
August 3rd Week Yum Nyam Bible (Deuteronomy 32:4)
1st week of August yum yum bible (Psalm 139:8)
4th week of July yum yum bible (Genesis 28:3)
The 2nd week of July yum yum Bible (Genesis 1:26)
1st week of July yum yum bible (Genesis 1:21)
The 4th week of June yum yum Bible (Genesis 1:16)
June 3 Week Yum Yum Bible (Genesis 1:12)
The 2nd week of June yum yum Bible (Genesis 1:7)
June 1st week yum yum bible (Genesis 1:5)
May 3rd week yum yum bible (Exodus 20:12)
4 weeks of April yum yum bible (Acts 1:9)
April 2nd Week Yum Nyam Bible (John 20:29)